Monday, February 27, 2006

"Do you wear seatbelts on dates?"

As we all know, there are many rules that apply when Shidduch dating, like wearing a suit, not taking along a handbag, not ordering a Diet Coke, eating only half your food and not more, etc. (oh, and by the way, the people who write "ect." really need to get a clue) The list goes on.

Many people have asked if we should add a new rule to the list. Unless it already exists, and I am unaware.

Should a girl wear a seatbelt on a date?

I mean, after all, if the guy (who usually drive like Animals--just kidding, Know It All, and AMD) makes a short stop, and the girl goes flying, and ends up gashed and bleeding, it's all worth it, because the boy was not able to sneak a peek and the assets while he drove. Or, better yet, nothing will happen to her because she was so careful about her Tznius.

Come on, how stupid is that? If the guy wants to see a woman's figure, he knows how and where to get it. It's not "tzniusdik" to have the shoulderstrap in an opportune place. Besides the fact that if the girl is well-endowed, he'll see it whether she wears a seatbelt or not. If the girl is not well-endowed, the seatbelt won't make much of a difference anyway.

So where does that leave us?


At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. This is just funny. The fact that this is actually a controversy is just plain ridiculous. I always wear a seatbelt, and it has never even crossed my mind to not wear one on a date for modesty reasons. So many deaths in auto accidents could have been prevented if the passengers had only been wearing seatbelts.

At 2:32 PM, Blogger kasamba said...

Of course you must wear a seatbelt, but if you have ample cleavage may I suggest you rethink the no handbag rule and clutch it to your chest.

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Moochy said...

Just thinking, if seat belts is an issue, whats next? I would think that no guy should ask his date, Voos Titsech?

At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're being paranoid. I'm as horny as it gets, and I never thought to look at a girl's tits while she's seatbelted. Thanks for the idea!

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Michelle said...


At 4:33 PM, Blogger Jewboy said...

It's entirely ridiculous to not wear a seatbelt on dates. A guy can check a girl out in much better ways than that. Just another stupid frumism.

At 9:54 PM, Blogger Zoe Strickman said...

I think many of these "shidduch rules" are simply silly. I'd never even think that tznius had anything to do with seatbelts. I do have one weird one for you. A girl didn't want me to hold the door for her becaause she was afraid that I would catch a glimpse at her legs while she got into the car. Okay, that made a little bit of sense.

At 6:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding me. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a seat belt. I much rather have a guy look at me (although I don't think they do) rather then fly through the windshield. Maybe other girls would rather die than have a guy look at them but not me!

At 12:35 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

zoe-then she's wearing the wrong skirt

At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The danger of the boy taking a peek at the girls figure while driving is greater than the girl
going flying through the windshield since his attention will be diverted from the driving
and disproportionatly increase the risk. I therefore rule that
1) the girl should do the driving
2) the girl should not wear a seatbelt (unless of course she's
nothing to look at!)

At 7:36 AM, Blogger Dan Balsamo said...

Lol! I never thought that the seatbelt would be this much of an object of concern as far as dating is concern. It is just for safety purposes. Let's not go overboard on that. Of course, women should wear their seat belts, especially if your out on a date with someone you just met. Who know what kind of driving lunatic he may turn out to be.

Mel Balsamo

At 12:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always check out girls boobs when on a date, it gives me something to think about!


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